Collection: Ark of taste (Slowfood)

With the Ark of Taste, the Slowfood Foundation has sought to protect and promote products that are of exceptional local significance. The list includes products with world fame, but also many relatively unknown products, some of which are only available in the region. Examples of 'big brands' are Voatsipery pepper from Madagascar and Kampot pepper from Cambodia. Lesser-known peppers include the Taiwanese maqaw - which we sell -  and a 'small' Sarawak pepper from the village on the Rimbas River in this part of Malaysia - which we unfortunately do not sell, just  when the flower pepper comes out Qingxi. This last one, the anthoxylum bungeanum, is qualitatively very similar to the flower pepper from Hunnan that we sell.

The latest addition to the Slow Food collection is merquén (merkén), the addictive, classic chili powder.