Collection: chili pepper

We have been selling Piment d'Espelette since 2016, produced by Laurent and Laurence Bressouat, on their four-hectare farm in Aïnhoa. They not only make the famous coarsely ground 'powder', but also process the manually harvested peppers into puree and a tasty jelly, completely in line with the culinary tradition of the French Basque Country.

Chili pepper is also used in some of our blends: the Japanese togarashi chili in Shichimi, the Indian teja pepper in Punjabi masala, the kashmiri chili in Kashmiri masala, the smoked jalapeño chili in our Adobo chipotl and Aleppo chili (pul biber) in Baharat. The newest chili addition to our range is the merkén or merquén, the diplomatic, strategic response of the Chilean Mapuche to the violent conquest of their country by the conquistadors, the combination of their goat's horn chili and the European coriander.

